Friday, January 13, 2012

"Don't Die Before You Read This!"

If you haven't done so already, now is the time to make the most important new year's resolution of your life.  Planning for your death.

Part of being human is avoiding any discussion or thought about our own mortality - but the truth of the matter is death and taxes are the only guarantees we have in life.

You can't tell the government which taxes you are going to pay or how; but you can decide what will happen to you when you die.

There are many choices available for the disposition of one's earthly remains.  Some options for disposition are:  Cremation, Traditional Burial, Green Burial or Donating the Body to Science.  Depending on your choice, there may be other decisions - place of interment (cemetery or other place of final rest), type of casket or urn or which science program to donate to.  Your choices will be influenced by personal preference, ecological concerns or financial situation.  The most important thing to remember is that putting this information in writing will guarantee that your survivors will know your wishes and will have the peace of mind that they are honoring your choices.
You may simply put this information in writing and keep it in a safe place, easily found in the event of your death, or, see a cremation or burial professional to arrange a pre-paid plan.  Remember to compare plans and prices BEFORE making a final decision.  For more information, please call Acacia Cremation and Burial Society (877) 916-4779 or visit us on the web: